Install Java 8 and Scala 2.11 in Ubuntu

Please check the steps in my Big Data Blog

Install Kafka and Zookeeper as Docker Containers in Linux

Install Docker for Mac OS, then create 3 containers for Zookeeper, Kafka broker and Schema Registry, respectively.

$ cd ~/pathto/Niagara

//Start containers
$ docker-compose up

//Stop containers and remove them entirely
$ docker-compose down

Install Kafka, Cassandra Manually in Mac OS

Download and unzip Confluent-3.2+

$ cd /pathto/confluent-3.2.0/

//start Zookeeper
$ ./bin/zookeeper-server-start etc/kafka/

//start Kafka
$ ./bin/kafka-server-start etc/kafka/

//start Schema Registry
$ ./bin/schema-registry-start etc/schema-registry/

Download and unzip Cassandra 3.1.0+

$ cd apache-cassandra-3.1.0
$ ./bin/cassandra

Build and Run the App

Use sbt-avrohugger to automatically generate SpecificRecord case class from avro schema.

$ sbt avro:generate-specific

Build an uber jar with all the dependencies.

$ sbt clean assembly